2018 Memorial Day Programs
Memorial Day Programs
Monday, May 28
We gather each year on Memorial Day to mark the
memory and salute the sacrifi ce of those who have
given their most personal possession—life itself—that
we might remain free.
10:30 a.m.
Advance the Colors Bertha Legion & Auxiliary Post 366
National Anthem Bertha-Hewitt Band
Pledge of Allegiance
Invocation Marvin Runyan, Legion Chaplain
Introduction Wayne Uberto, Legion Commander
Th e Address Rita Anderson
Song Bertha-Hewitt Band
Reading of those who have
passed in the last year Wayne Uberto, Legion Commander
Placing of the Memorial
Wreath Jo and Tom Fern
Present check Wayne Uberto, Legion Commander
Salute to the Dead Firing Squad
Words from the
Commander Wayne Uberto
Benediction Marvin Runyan
Retire the Colors Legion & Auxiliary
Th e program will be held in the new auditorium at the Bertha-
Hewitt School. Aft er the program, the American Legion
will be serving a free lunch at the Bertha Community Center.
CLARISSA • 9 a.m.
Clarissa Legion Post 213
Ceremonies conducted by Legion Commander Butch Booker
and Auxiliary President Barb Petersen
8 a.m. — Coff ee and donuts will be served to Veterans and
their families at the Legion Hall.
9 a.m. Naval service at city park
9:15 a.m. Program at Lions shelter
Aft er the program, we will proceed to the Woodman Cemetery
for a remembrance observance at the gravesite of Russel
Conclusion Memorial Day observance at the
CTCCC with a fl ag raising and Taps
EAGLE BEND • 10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m. At the GAR Cemetery
Firing squad
Flags fl ying at GAR Cemetery in honor of Norman Beach,
Norman Nelson and Ralph Notch.
11 a.m. Program at the VFW Club
BROWERVILLE • 10:30 a.m.
10 a.m. Parade will begin at the high
school and go to the Evergreen
Master of Ceremonies Bob Schueller
National Anthem Browerville High School Band
Invocation Father Mitchell Bechtold
Pledge of Allegiance Public
Selection Browerville High School Band
A Poem to our Veterans Josie Brichacek
Speaker of the Day TBD
Minnesota Army National Guard
Tribute Over the Graves Commanders & Presidents
Veterans of Foreign
Wars Post 8391
American Legion Post 293
Benediction Father Mitchell Bechtold
Salute to the Dead Post 8391 and Post 293 Firing Squad
Taps Jacob Polovick
Lunch to follow the program at the Vet’s Club. In case of inclement weather, the program will be held at the Christ the King Elementary School gymnasium.
Please see our website for a list of deceased veterans at www.inhnews.com/vets.