Apr 9, 20192 min

A Matter of Perspective

As some of you may be aware, this month is Camp NaNoWriMo. This year I started my own writing “cabin” and promptly filled it with other budding writers eager to write their little hearts out over the month of April.

So far, I am failing miserably at achieving my 1600 word per day goal. I think I have about 250 words altogether.

I won’t digress on it too much because I have been very accomplished in other areas of my life, so if I don’t get my 50,000 words written for this book, I will still feel good because I have written well over that on my various blogs that I author.

Blogging is a big deal. Much of what we read online in the way of product reviews and informational content is actually a part of someone’s blog. (I didn’t know either!)

But having been involved actively in the process for a while now, I recognize blogs and I see them all the time now.

Blogging is a good way to build a following in whatever “niche” you are writing for.

I currently maintain five blogs. It isn’t always easy. I have to think of things to write about and that can be a big task. Plus, each of the blogs is unique and in a different niche, so that takes a little getting used to.

But each time I post a blog, I think of the potential help it might offer someone who is looking for just the thing I wrote about.

For example, one of the sites is about grandparents who are raising their grandchildren. I have attempted to offer useful information to my visitors related to the struggle that those of us raising grandchildren experience. Again, it’s not always easy, but each time I share something, I hope that it will help someone who may be going through a similar experience.

I do that for the diabetes site I maintain, too.

Recently, I started two new blogs. One is about being happy. The other is how to heal a poor financial situation.

Am I an expert at any one of these? Not yet, but I am working on it!

That is how we become “experts”...we just keep plugging away at something.

If anyone is interested in learning how to write blogs about something you are passionate about, send me an e-mail and I’d be more than happy to help you out!

As for Camp NaNoWriMo... I will work on that, too! I have a lot of book left to write before I call it quits!
