Pastor Eric Monson has been working along with congregation members on the 100 year history of the Eagle Bend Assembly of God church. It is a rich history which denotes that the Eagle Bend church is the oldest and still active registered Assembly of God Church in Minnesota.

The 1954 church was featured on the cover of the Assembly of God magazine.

The parking lot side of the church includes the newest addition where the sanctuary is located.

Pastor Eric Monson has been working along with congregation members on the 100 year history of the Eagle Bend Assembly of God church. It is a rich history which denotes that the Eagle Bend church is the oldest and still active registered Assembly of God Church in Minnesota.
100 years and still "growing" strong
Eagle Bend Assembly of God celebrates
by Karin L. Nauber
There are many “hidden” gems in Central Minnesota. One that you may not know about is the Eagle Bend Assembly of God Church. Did you know that the church is the oldest registered and still active Assembly of God Church in Minnesota?
Well, they are and this year—2018—marks the 100 year anniversary of the church.
From a document titled “Memories of Eagle Bend Assembly of God,” it is written, “The congregation had its beginning with a prayer meeting conducted in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Berg in 1917, after their son E.H. Bloomberg who was a step-son to Charlie Berg came home from a job he had in Toledo, Ohio.
“In Ohio, Bloomberg had attended some full gospel meetings where he was saved and filled with the Spirit and excited about his new experience with God. Sharing this good news with his mother and step-father, Bloomberg’s step-father gave his heart to Jesus the first night that his step-son came home.
“The next evening, Bloomberg called on a neighbor’s home where other neighbors were also visiting. He boldly shared the good news of his experience of salvation and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. From this evening, they continued with prayer meetings in their home. . . .