Browerville VFW Auxiliary President Deb Wieshalla, Historian and Past President Sue Wiersgalla and last year’s 6th District VFW Auxiliary President Dave Scofield. Scofield presented the “6th District Outstanding Auxiliary” award to the Browerville Auxiliary at their August meeting.

There is a special tribute section that is dedicated to the Late Betty Masoner. She was well known for her outstanding Veterans Day and Memorial Day programs at the Browerville School for many years.

Five of the awards that the Browerville VFW Post #8391 brought home from the VFW and Auxiliary Department Convention in June. It was a joint awards ceremony.

Browerville VFW Auxiliary President Deb Wieshalla, Historian and Past President Sue Wiersgalla and last year’s 6th District VFW Auxiliary President Dave Scofield. Scofield presented the “6th District Outstanding Auxiliary” award to the Browerville Auxiliary at their August meeting.
Browerville Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary awarded for their service to veterans and community
by Karin L. Nauber
“Once in a while you have an auxiliary that comes out of nowhere—Browerville did that.” These were the words of last year’s 6th District Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary President Dave Scofield that were said at the VFW and Auxiliary Department Convention held in June.
The Browerville Veterans of Foreign Wars and Auxiliary Post # 8391 went above and beyond and they brought home six awards from this year’s convention.
The goal of the auxiliary is to donate their time to the veterans and to the community.
The Browerville VFW Auxiliary has taken that mission through the roof in the last year or so.
While always fairly active, the group has become involved in more and more activities highlighting Americanism, patriotism, honoring the living and fallen veterans and more.
It was these activities combined that earned the Browerville VFW Auxiliary the title of “6th District Outstanding Auxiliary.”
As an auxiliary, they also received the 2017-2018 Department of Minnesota—Youth Activities award for finding a creative way to recognize a youth group using the Random Acts of Patriotism cards/coins; and they received the 1st Place Award for their Americanism Program. . . .