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A book and a meal...Bundling to help seniors stay connected


by Karin L. Nauber

Todd County Bundled Services includes several things to help keep senior citizens and people who may be “shut-ins” more connected with the community. 

Many of us have heard of Meals on Wheels, but Bundled Meals are a bit different because they are for rural delivery. Meals on Wheels is delivered within city limits.

Some of the criteria for Bundled Meals in the county include: 

• Age 60 or older

• Live in rural Minnesota

• Would benefit from receiving nutritious meals and groceries.

According to Lutheran Social Services Regional Manager and Dietitian Terri Weyer, “We have a wide variety of complete meals that include an entrée, fruit and/or vegetable, bread, margarine, milk and dessert. Most meals are similar to the meals on our published menus, but we do include some breakfast options.” . . .

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