There will be balloon twisting down in the city park as part of Clarissa’s annual Summerfest. —file photo

There will be balloon twisting down in the city park as part of Clarissa’s annual Summerfest. —file photo
A "Small Town Treasure"
Clarissa Summerfest plans to light up the night
by Karin L. Nauber
While there are not going to be a lot of changes to this year’s Clarissa Summerfest, one change that you will want to remember is that the parade will be at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 28, instead of in the morning as it was held in previous years.
Also, take note that the parade will only be going down Main Street because of the road construction throughout town.
The parade theme this year is “Small Town Treasure.”
With plenty of food being served most of the day Saturday, you shouldn’t leave hungry.
There will be entertainment for the kids and a medallion hunt as well as bounce houses and a kiddie tractor pull during the day. That evening there will be a street dance featuring “First Circle” and “Switch” until 1 a.m.
So enjoy the events around town (you can see the event poster online at: www.goclarissa.net or in this week’s Independent News Herald) and be sure to stay for the fireworks show at dusk on Saturday.
On Sunday, volunteer to help clean up and then attend the community wide worship service in the city park at 10 a.m. (In case of bad weather it will be held at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church.)