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Anonymity organization helping sheriff's office

 Th e Wadena County Sheriff ’s Offi ce and

Crime Stoppers of Minnesota are working together

to gain more crime information from

persons who want to remain anonymous. Sheriff

Carr has made the proactive move to support the

Crime Stoppers Law Enforcement Partnership

Program which supports their ability to invite

citizens to anonymously turn in information.

Th is, in turn, may save thousands of dollars of

investigators’ time and speed up the solving of



In addition to remaining anonymous, persons giving

tips may be eligible to collect up to a $1,000 reward. Because of Crime Stoppers’ access tools, the Wadena County Sheriff’s Office is increasing

its reach for investigative information to be statewide

and worldwide. Th rough this partnership,

the Sheriff ’s Offi ce investigators receive tips that

Crime Stoppers collects because citizens may be

reluctant to talk directly with the authorities but

still want to ‘do the right thing’....

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