Christ the King Church and School have been the victims of two thefts in less than a year’s time. The first occurred on Sunday, July 23 and the second happened just this past week when a minimal amount of money was stolen from the school.

Christ the King Church and School have been the victims of two thefts in less than a year’s time. The first occurred on Sunday, July 23 and the second happened just this past week when a minimal amount of money was stolen from the school.
CTK Church and School hit with another theft
by Karin L. Nauber
On March 5, the Todd County Sheriff’s Office received a report that a burglary had taken place at Christ the King School. It was reported that a minimal amount of money had been stolen.
It was also reported that there was damage to Christ the King Church.
This is the second reported theft in less than a year at the church/school.
Last summer, sometime after the Sunday, July 23 service, an undisclosed amount of money was stolen from the church. . . .