On Saturday, February 9, Senator Paul Gazelka (far left at table), Representative John Poston and Representative Ron Kresha attended the Todd County Republican Convention held at the Browerville Community Center. At that meeting they lent an ear to Todd County Council on Aging Coordinator Verna Toenyan and Eagle Bend Housing Representative John Rachuy who filled them in on the results of a housing survey and the need for housing in the county. —photo courtesy of Luan Thomas-Brunkhorst

On Saturday, February 9, Senator Paul Gazelka (far left at table), Representative John Poston and Representative Ron Kresha attended the Todd County Republican Convention held at the Browerville Community Center. At that meeting they lent an ear to Todd County Council on Aging Coordinator Verna Toenyan and Eagle Bend Housing Representative John Rachuy who filled them in on the results of a housing survey and the need for housing in the county. —photo courtesy of Luan Thomas-Brunkhorst
Actualización de vivienda es escuchada por legisladores
El sábado 9 de febrero, el Senador Paul Gazelka (extremo izquierdo de la mesa), el Representante John Poston y el Representante Ron Kresha asistieron a la Convención Republicana del Condado de Todd celebrada en el Centro Comunitario de Browerville. En esa reunión, escucharon a la coordinadora del Consejo sobre el envejecimiento del condado de Todd, Verna Toenyan, y al representante de vivienda de Eagle Bend, John Rachuy, quienes les informaron sobre los resultados de una encuesta de vivienda y la necesidad de vivienda en el condado. —foto cortesía de Luan Thomas-Brunkhorst