Recent snow melting has caused flooding. Be prepared.

Recent snow melting has caused flooding. Be prepared.
Prepare for flooding
The Wadena County Sheriff’s Office is asking residents of Wadena County (and all counties) to start thinking ahead to potential flooding in the coming weeks. The snow we currently have, along with recent rains, are elevating flood risks during the spring thaw.
The biggest threat(s) will arrive when the rivers begin to open. Ice dams and water runoff will elevate flood risk quickly. According to the MN Department of Safety, Homeland Security and Emergency Management, around 25% of flood insurance claims happen outside of “high risk” areas. If you live in the state of Minnesota, consider yourself at least at some risk for flooding or water damage.
If you are in an area prone to flooding historically, now is the time to find the supplies you need. Examples are sandbags, sand, temporary storage, and people to help fill and stack sandbags!
If you encounter flooded roads, TURN AROUND! The risk of driving through a flooded area is not worth it, as you do not know if the road has been completely washed out. Becoming stranded in a flooded area is a real possibility, but flood waters carry enough momentum to sweep vehicles away, which can become life-threatening in a hurry.
We put this information out in hopes that residents will take necessary precautions to protect their property, and more importantly, lives that can be at risk during floods. If you need assistance locating resources, or have specific questions, please feel free to reach out. The Wadena County Sheriff’s Office Director of Emergency Management, Deputy Tyler Wheeler, can be reached at 218-631-7795. You can also visit the Department of Public Safety website dedicated to flood preparation at https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/hsem/Pages/2019-spring-flooding.aspx.