Wilma Nauber and Loretta Johnson crowned the Clarissa Outstanding Seniors Dale and Diane Hanson recently. They were named the Todd County Outstanding Senior Citizens earning them a trip to the Minnesota State Fair on August 29 which is Senior Citizen’s Day. They will be in the running for the state title at this time.

Teresa Sorenson, Dale Hanson, Diane Hanson and Verna Toenyan at the Todd County Fair in June when the Hansons were designated the Todd County Outstanding Senior Citizens.

Wilma Nauber and Loretta Johnson crowned the Clarissa Outstanding Seniors Dale and Diane Hanson recently. They were named the Todd County Outstanding Senior Citizens earning them a trip to the Minnesota State Fair on August 29 which is Senior Citizen’s Day. They will be in the running for the state title at this time.
Hansons are outstanding in Todd County
by Karin L. Nauber
Dale and Diane Hanson would tell you that they don’t really deserve the title of Todd County Outstanding Senior Citizens.
They would tell you that they don’t do much and that there are certainly others in the county who do more volunteering than they do.
But these two individuals do many things together and apart to help others in Todd County lead better lives through their volunteer efforts.
The list of things that these two do is quite long.
For Dale it includes (current and former activities):
• Taught computer literacy to seniors for four years.
• Serves on the senior citizen board in Clarissa.
• Provides handyman services to the senior center and museum in Clarissa.
• Makes up the flyers for the monthly meals at the senior center along with any special events at the center or museum.
• Delivering Meals on Wheels for the past 15 years in the Clarissa area.
“I do it because my mother received Meals on Wheels when she was older. This is payback and I just keep on doing it,” said Dale. . . .