The Wadena County Historical Society held their annual meeting on April 12 which included a first hand look at recording an oral history project. Clarence Horsager of Verndale was interviewed by his son Chuck Horsager about his life growing up in North Dakota, coming to Verndale, teaching and farming.

Clarence Horsager, Chuck Horsager and Wadena County Historical Society Director Lina Belar.

The Wadena County Historical Society held their annual meeting on April 12 which included a first hand look at recording an oral history project. Clarence Horsager of Verndale was interviewed by his son Chuck Horsager about his life growing up in North Dakota, coming to Verndale, teaching and farming.
Horsager's History
by Trinity Gruenberg
The Wadena County Historical Society held their annual meeting at Maasconi’s on April 12. The presentation for the evening was a live look at filming an oral history project.
The oral history project began a number of years ago and was set in motion by Larry Denny.
“It’s a very good way to collect information that would otherwise be lost,” explained Lina Belar, director of the Wadena County Historical Society.
With two cameras rolling, County Commissioner Chuck Horsager interviewed his father, long-time Verndale resident Clarence Horsager about his life.
Clarence was raised in Berlin, North Dakota. His parents are of Norwegian decent. His grandfather, Ole, built a house in Minneapolis in 1881. He was a carpenter and served in the Norwegian Army. His grandmother Olava was a midwife.
“The doctor told Ole you have to get out of this dirty, smoky city or you won’t live much longer,” said Clarence.
Ole traded the house for some land in North Dakota and started a farm. They did mainly crop farming. They had some chickens, about 20 work horses, some cattle and hired hands to help with the work. . . .