The Verndale Historical Society turned the keys over to the city of Verndale during the dedication at Verndale Days. Danelle Weiher, historical society president, handed the keys over to Mayor Raye Ludovissie and Maintenance Supervisor Matt Uselman.

The pavilion houses the 1895 fire pumper and the scale model of the grist mill, as seen at right with Darlene Leonard, Clarence and Mary Horsager. —submitted photos

Membership application for the Verndale Historical Society.

The Verndale Historical Society turned the keys over to the city of Verndale during the dedication at Verndale Days. Danelle Weiher, historical society president, handed the keys over to Mayor Raye Ludovissie and Maintenance Supervisor Matt Uselman.
Historical society always looking for new members
by Trinity Gruenberg
Searching for family history, information about antiques and preserving stories from the past are some of the goals of the Verndale Historical Society.
“There’s lots of history in Verndale that people are interested in,” said President Danelle Weiher.
She shared the historical society often receives phone calls looking for information, such as one man who discovered he had Verndale’s first gas pump.
Sometimes the historical society receives information about an item. Such was the case of a photo of a boy on a bike from the late 1800’s. One visitor saw it and shared the boy was a relative of hers. Now, the boy on the bike has been identified.
“It’s fun when people come though and add those little things,” said Weiher. . . .