The Immanuel Lutheran Church as it stands today.

The Immanuel Lutheran Church as it stands today.

The Immanuel Lutheran Church after it was built in 1918 to serve the rural community.

The Immanuel Lutheran Church as it stands today.
Three houses of faith still standing 100 years later: Part two: Immanuel Lutheran Church, Bartlett Township
by Trinity Gruenberg
The Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Congregation of Bartlett Township, Todd County, or more commonly referred to as the Immanuel Lutheran Church, Bartlett Township is celebrating 100 years.
While the church is going on 120 years, the building itself turns 100 this year.
The church began as the Immanuel Congregation and was established by German Lutheran families settling in the Bartlett Township area.
The church was formally organized on January 1, 1899 with the first little church being 20 x 34 foot. It was built in the summer of 1899 with donations of work and material. The building was completed clear of any debt.
Pastor F. C. Ahrens led the congregation of Immanuel. The dedication ceremony featured several visiting pastors including Pastors Hitzemann of Long Prairie, Groh of Perham and Ahrens (in English) preached at the dedication in November of 1899. . . .