The Lady Slipper Peer Respite would be a place people can go to if they are struggling with a mental health challenge. The respite is not a hospital, it is a home-like atmosphere with peer specialists to assist you in your time of need.

The Lady Slipper Peer Respite would be a place people can go to if they are struggling with a mental health challenge. The respite is not a hospital, it is a home-like atmosphere with peer specialists to assist you in your time of need.
Respite house coming to Wadena?
by Trinity Gruenberg
There are 17 peer respites throughout the nation. The Lady Slipper Peer Respite would be the first of its kind in Minnesota.
The respite would be a place people can go to if they are struggling with a mental health challenge and an outlet that could help decrease emergency room traffic. There are some concerns from the Wadena community.
“It’s never been done before in Minnesota and new ideas can be hard for many of us,” said Jode Freyholtz-London, founder of Wellness in the Woods.
People sometimes struggle with change, including Freyholtz-London.
“When we start sharing about new and different services, especially in mental health, the unknowns cause fear and trepidation. This is especially true in the mental health field due to the stigma that surrounds mental health challenges,” said Freyholtz-London.
Most individuals receiving mental health services think it’s a great idea. . . .