Last year (2017) was the first year a luminary lighting was held at the Browerville Vets Club. They had 271 bags. For this year’s lighting, they already have well over 700 luminary bags. —INH file photo

Last year (2017) was the first year a luminary lighting was held at the Browerville Vets Club. They had 271 bags. For this year’s lighting, they already have well over 700 luminary bags. —INH file photo
Lighting up the night to remember and honor veterans
by Karin L. Nauber
Last Veterans Day, the Browerville VFW Auxiliary #8391 and American Legion Auxiliary #293 held their first “Light Up for Veterans Day” at the Browerville Vets Club.
That year they had luminary bags honoring and remembering 271 veterans.
This year that number is well over 700 and is growing weekly.
This year’s “Light Up for Veterans Day” will be held on Sunday, November 11.
The bags will be set up at 4 p.m. with the lighting at 6 p.m. Volunteers are welcome to come and help with set up and lighting.
The luminary bags with candles will display the names of Veterans who served our country through the military. The bags will be in “memory” of deceased Veterans and in “honor” of the living.
“Our plans are to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War One,” said Sue Wiersgalla, historian for the VFW Auxiliary.
Wiersgalla said that if anyone would like to honor a Veteran, you may order a bag before November 1.
“We need the Veteran’s name and branch of service, if possible, and whether they are living or deceased,” said Wiersgalla.
You may contact Wiersgalla at 320-594-2862 or VFW Auxiliary President Deb Wieshalla at 320-594-6506.