Sheldon and Sharin Monson.

Commissioner Sheldon Monson and his wife Sharin attended the Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota and Wisconsin White House Conference leadership day which included a visit from Vice President Mike Pence.

Commissioners and mayors that attended the conference at the White House took a group photo with Vice President Mike Pence. At left, Sharin and Sheldon Monson represented Wadena County at the White House meeting.

Sheldon and Sharin Monson.
Commissioner Monson attends White House Conference
by Trinity Gruenberg
Wadena County Commissioner Sheldon Monson traveled on his own dime to Washington D.C. for the Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana and Minnesota Leadership Conference.
“It was very worthwhile. I greatly enjoyed it,” said Monson.
The trip included some sightseeing including the National Cathedral, National Archives and more.
Sheldon, along with his wife Sharin, were invited to a briefing of legislative issues they are focusing on with the National Association of Counties.
They headed through many security checkpoints to enter the White House, were given a tour and sat in on presentations from different government agencies. They received a visit from Vice President Mike Pence. . . .