South Country Health Alliance may be done for if they are unable to raise the 200% risk-based capital being required of them by DHS.

South Country Health Alliance may be done for if they are unable to raise the 200% risk-based capital being required of them by DHS.
Todd County Board of Commissioners: Is South Country Health Alliance done for?
by Karin L. Nauber
At the January 2 work session of the Todd County Board of Commissioners, Chair Gary Kneisl gave the news that had been dreaded for months now—a cash call would be coming and it would be for over $1 million to keep South Country Health Alliance alive.
At their February 5 meeting, the commissioners learned that the amount needed would be more than $1 million—a lot more.
The new number presented to the commissioners was a whopping $1,945,446. The commissioners voted to not approve the resolution that would approve payment of an additional capital request to SCHA.
South Country Health Alliance is an 11 member county-based health plan (CBP) in Minnesota, formed in 2001 to improve the way members receive healthcare. They have more than 38,000 members offering seven different programs to meet the needs of those within the partner counties.
Due to declining Medical Assistance (PMAP) enrollment, high claim and pharmacy costs, SCHA has less than 200% risk-based capital (RBC) as mandated by the Minnesota Department of Health’s Health Policy and Regulation.
In an attempt to bring the RBC up to 200% by March 31, the SCHA Joint Powers Board passed a motion to request a capital call to all 11 member counties for contribution based on membership and population. . . .