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Semi versus buggy accident
A semi rear ended a horse drawn buggy.

Semi versus buggy accident
A semi rear ended a horse drawn buggy.
Semi versus buggy accident shuts down highway
According to the Minnesota State Patrol, on Thursday, November 11, at 7:19 a.m., an accident occurred on Highway 210 and 211th Avenue in Bartlett Township in Todd County that shut down the highway all morning.
A horse and buggy driven by David Jacob Miller, 17, of Staples was westbound on Highway 210 near 211th Avenue.
A semi driven by Douglas William Calkins, 60, of Deerwood was driving westbound as well and rear ended the horse and buggy just east of the intersection.
Miller was ejected onto the roadway and transported by air to North Memorial with life threatening injuries. He later died from his injuries.
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