Cat Tales
King, the newest addition to our cat family, had his probably first visit to the vet recently to get vaccinated and neutered.
This cat has been very good and quite mellow. He never once sprayed which was quite surprising. He never fought with the other cats and is even beginning to tolerate Pepper, the dog.
During the car ride to the vet, he got pretty vocal but did well. He weighed in at 13 pounds and stayed at the vet’s office all day.
I had no idea how old he was. The vets estimated he is about four and a half years old. They also said his procedure was a little longer than expected because only one of his testicles had descended, so they had to go in after the other one. Then they gave me a little bag with a BB bullet in it that they had found in his leg.
It just hurts knowing someone shot this cat and he has been living with the BB in his leg. Some people have no compassion or conscience. I am glad the vets found it and removed it. It makes me wonder if some of the injuries he showed up with were from other cats...or people.
King was quite confused about his bald stomach and the stitches covered in silver spray. I had to keep an eye on him to make sure he wasn’t licking the area. Well, he got caught as his nose magically turned silver.
He is doing well. He is turning into a cuddler and I even heard him purr finally. He is filling out nicely and his fur has become very shiny, like black satin and he now loves to be brushed. The scabs around his ears and face have healed and he enjoys sprawling out on the futon for his all daily naps.
King has adjusted to becoming an indoor cat and it seems like he likes it. The other cats are starting to play with him a little bit. He is very playful and it is funny to watch him plow into the cat tunnel and scoot it around the room.
I’m glad he is safe and out of harm’s way.