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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, February 6, 1947

•The Wadena County 4-H Council will meet next Tuesday, February 11 at the courthouse in Wadena at 8 o’clock. The principal feature of this meeting will be the Annual Radio Public Speaking Contest which promises to be an interesting event in view of the large number of contestants. To date, the following clubs have entered their members in the contest: Aldrich, Ambitious, Busy Beavers, Central, Gophers, Junior Citizens, Oakdale, Verndale Gold Diggers, Senior, Wadena Juniors. Each contestant will give a five to seven-minute talk on “How Can I Contribute to Greater Unity Among People.”

•Wadena County Township Chairmen will hold their bi-monthly meeting in Wadena at the city hall Wednesday afternoon, February 12 at 1:30 p.m. Announced Mrs. Emil Geber, County Home and Community Chairman today. Mrs. Geber states that she assumes her duties as County Home and Community Chairman the first of the year. She succeeds Mrs. Earl Jenson of Verndale, who is now working as Assistant Home and Community Chairman.

•Lee Denny, former Verndale High School basketball player, was honored last week at Bremerton, Washington, when he was picked as one of the 10 best from eight Navy teams to play in a tournament at Seattle. The team that wins out at Seattle gets a trip to Great Lakes, Ill.

40 Years Ago, February 11, 1982

•Coach Steve Techam and several members of the Pirates wrestling team will give a demonstration of holds and explain scoring to those attending the PTA meeting Monday evening, February 15. Also on the agenda will be an explanation of the PAR (Parents Are Responsible) program by Carolyn Ostrom.

•Having “Sweet Dreams” about being crowned king and queen at the Verndale High School Snow-Daze coronation ceremony Friday evening at 8 p.m. are: Jay Weiher, Jan Moyer, Mike Hokanson, Denice Dalen, Bruce Beaver and Roxy Kern.

•Last Saturday’s FFA activities proved very fruitful for the Verndale FFA Chapter. February 6 was the time for the oral interviews for the Minnesota State Farmer Degree. Applicants for the district proficiency award winners were also interviewed and selected. Clarice Horsager did very well in both areas and thus will go to further competition. The Minnesota State Farmer Degree is awarded to only two percent of the Minnesota FFA members each year.

15 Years Ago, February 7, 2007

•The 2007 Verndale High School Sweetheart Daze royalty are Trevor Enberg, Dan Weiher, Derek Weise, Jake Hauer, Ron Price, Dan Adameitz, Emcee Brenda Roth, Trista Fink, Noelle Ash, Cathy Kempe, Shiann Richter, Luke Weniger, Queen Ashley Goddard, King Brandon Cottrell, Reba Greer, Andi Wiese, Megan Hackler and Emcee Megan Hejhal.

•Due to a skin virus outbreak in the sport of wrestling, a mandatory suspension was put into effect for all high school wrestlers. Between Tuesday, January 30, and Tuesday, February 6, wrestlers are not allowed to wrestle. Even though no one on the BHV wrestling team is suspected of having this skin virus, the team still must abide by the suspension rules. Coach Techam has had the boys doing lots of conditioning, and drills to keep them in shape.

•The Pirates Boy’s Basketball team picked up two wins this past week. On Tuesday, the Pirates hosted Eagle Valley. The game was tight at halftime with the Pirates ahead by a score of 24-23. Verndale came out strong in the second half and ended up winning by a score of 61-46. In a very balanced scoring attack, the Pirates had three players in double digits. Shane Finck had 17, Wayne Kopp 15, and Josh Kern with 11.



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