Dusting Off The Archives
News from Verndale's Past
75 Years Ago, September 6, 1945
•Pfc. Gregory Schmitz, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schmitz Sr., is at present located in the Philippines with the 108th Infantry Regiment. He has been in the service since November 12, 1944 and was recently hospitalized with a minor illness.
•According to C.P. Pettit of the Pettit Grain and Potato Co., the Verndale farming area has had the best grain crop in 10 years. Oats averaging 30 to 40 bushels per acre is quite common, and in some fields it has averaged over 50 bushels to the acre.
• Pvt. Alfred Bergman arrived home last Saturday from Camp McCoy, Wisconsin, where he had received his honorable discharge from the U.S. Army. Alfred has been in service over four and one-half years and 39 months of that time had been spent on foreign soil. Since coming home from overseas, Alfred has been stationed at Crawfordsville, Arkansas. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Bergman.
40 Years Ago, September 4, 1980
•The officers of the newly formed Central Minnesota Hound Dog Club, which held its first annual show and hunt here on August 23-24, are Dave Bessler, Verndale, secretary/treasurer; Dale Campbell, Verndale, president; Neil Dwire, Backus, vice president; and Al Timms, Alexandria, reporter.
•Dale Norton, 5’ 9”, 170 lbs., a senior at Mayville State whose major is elementary education, is a member of the 1980 “Comets” football team. Norton will be working at his defensive end position this fall with the Comets. Coach Al Holmes feels that Norton is making good progress in the early going of practices and should play a part in the success of the team. Norton, of Verndale, is the son of Willard and Beverly Norton.
• Despite efforts by the Eagles from Eagle Bend, Pirate Emil Renczykowski succeeded in spinning around to score a touchdown in the first game of the season on the home gridiron Friday afternoon. Final score was 18-6 Verndale.
15 Years Ago, September 8, 2005
• Meet the new staff. Jennifer Veronen will be teaching the second kindergarten section. She is a Verndale High School graduate. She earned her teaching degree from the University of Minnesota Duluth. Heather Boyd is the new first grade teacher. She graduated from high school in Verndale. She then went on to Northwestern University in Roseville. Dan Johnson was hired as a second grade teacher. He, too, is a Verndale grad. After earning his teaching credentials from Bemidji State University, he started his teaching career in Verndale in 1998. Robert Sibert of rural Verndale has accepted the regular bus driver position. He is a familiar face around the school as he is a part-time custodian during the summer and has been a substitute bus driver.
• The Verndale Pirates volleyball team hosted Parkers Prairie for a three game match, scoring 22-25 game one, 16-25 game two and 24-26 game three. Three girls tied for ace serves and they were Christy Schmitz, Kelly Stave and Stephanie Dailey. Stave led the team in assists with a total of six. Next was Stacey Schoon and Becky Richter with three and the following had one assist, Stacy Finck, Christy Schmitz and Cortney Branstner.
• The Pirates took a hard loss at Chokio. CA-HN scored two touchdowns in the first quarter, two in the second quarter and a final in the fourth quarter for a score of 35-0. Stats were: rushing, Sam Moenkedick with 16 for a total of 64 yards; and Dan Adameitz with 18 for a total of 40 yards. Pass receiving, Spencer Moyer with three for 32 yards, Drew Hill with one for 24 yards, Colin Cottrell with one for six yards and Dan Adameitz with one for six yards.