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Dusting off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, November 15, 1945

•Mr. and Mrs. Ned Rundell received the good news last week that their son Quinn, a pilot in the U. S. Army, was promoted to First Lieutenant. Quinn is now stationed in Okinawa.

•Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hunt, former Thomastown residents who returned last week from Oakland California, have bought the Ray Nelson farm five miles north of Verndale, reported E.W. Orr. Mr. Nelson plans on having an auction sale of his personal property in the latter part of this month.

•The John Myrin V.F.W. Post at Aldrich is sponsoring a turkey and goose raffle at the River Inn on November 15. Bingo, roulette, and cards will be the games of chance. Everyone welcome.

40 Years Ago, November 13, 1980

•DeEtta Moyer was recently selected as a member of the Alexandria Area Vocational Institute’s Norsemen/Norsettes basketball team. She is the daughter of John and Glee Moyer and is presently enrolled in the medical secretary program at the institute. Mike Paulsen was also selected for their basketball team. Mike is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Paulsen of Verndale and is presently enrolled in the appliance repair program at the institute.

•Former Brownies rededicated themselves by reciting the Scout Promise and Law during a ceremony held last Monday in the school library. It was witnessed by parents, grandparents, sisters, and brothers. The new Junior Scouts, who are supervised by Maureen Baker and Shari Radniecki, are Jennifer Geray, Melissa Harne, Michelle Hieb, Connie James, Angela Koons, Susan Kotz, Nicholle Lehner, Theresa Ludovissie, Lori Radniecki, Lisa Rousslang, Carla Suhl, and Joani Van Dam.

•“The Genie in the Milkcan,” this year’s senior class production, couldn’t be successful without behind the scenes crews. Assisting Jerry Hanson, faculty advisor, are student directors Kathy Schluttner, Pam Peterson, and Dawn Christiansen. The stage crew is Karen Umland, Sandy Baker, and Don Bristlin.

15 Years Ago, November 17, 2005

•The Verndale School Board held a special meeting on Thursday, November 10, to certify the results of the school board election and conduct other business. Harvey Schoon and Jim Runyan were re-elected to their seats on the board, and Bill Blaha was elected to a seat vacated by Rodney Bounds. The fourth candidate, Kristine Booth, was not elected.

• Four Verndale students participated in the Honor Choir Festival held in Duluth on November 1. Twenty-seven high schools and their directors traveled to the University of Duluth to take part in the program. Verndale participants were Maria Moenkedick, Bobbi Rogge, Chelsea Anderson, and Tasha Olson. The concert was held at the Weber Music Hall.

•On September 19, about forty Masons, their families, and friends met at the Wadena Inn and Grill for a delicious ham and beef dinner and to honor members in long-standing. Clyde Van Cleve was honored for being a Mason for 60 years. James Anderson, Peter Erickson, Eddie Stone, John Strom, and Harold Sundby were honored for being 50 year Masons.


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