Dusting Off The Archives
News from Verndale's Past
75 Years Ago, July 11, 1946
•Two county commissioner seats to be filled this year brought about considerable interest in the election. In the third commissioner district, A.M. Anderson, incumbent, and John O. Pederson won the nominations, and in the fifth district, Lars F. Leinonon and Fred Thompson won the nominations. Enoch Anderson, the incumbent, was eliminated.
•The community of Nimrod has entered a petition to the Wadena County Board to become a village. If the petition is granted the people of Orton Township will be given an opportunity to vote on the measure.
•Mrs. Boyd Conley of Verndale was heard over WCCO on the Fourth of July between 12:45 and 1 p.m. Mrs. Conley spoke on behalf of the candidacy of Congressman Harold Knutson for re-election on the Republican ticket. She has a very good radio-speaking voice and shared her message in a capable manner.
40 Years Ago, July 9, 1981
•The cross arms of Verndale’s new street signs were erected by Lion’s Club members last week. Three individuals completing construction of the sign on the corner of Butler Street and 3rd Avenue Southeast were Roger Crowe, Charley Miller and Grant Boe. The club’s next project will be assigning and selling house numbers to help pay for the signs.
•Lack of rain the past week has brought about fire danger conditions again. Monday at 6:30 p.m., Verndale firemen were called to extinguish a rapidly progressing fire between the Burlington Northern railroad track and Highway 10 approximately two miles east of town. It is believed to have been ignited by sparks from a passing train.
• Almost all materials and labor were donated for the 64’ x 80’ steel building being erected on the England Prairie Pioneer Club site southwest of Verndale. It will contain a cafeteria, club meeting room, restrooms and display area for the museum. Using gravel available on the property, volunteers have been pouring the entire floor in readiness for the grand opening which will be held during Pioneer Days August 8-9.
15 Years Ago, July 13, 2006
•At the July 3 Verndale City Council meeting, Council Member Todd Brenna announced his resignation effective immediately. Brenna is leaving Verndale in the next few weeks, moving to Montana to accept a job with Coca-Cola. The council accepted the resignation with regret, declared a vacancy on the council and appointed Bruce Koppenhaver to serve until December 31.
• In a move that seemed to catch commissioners by surprise, Wadena County Recorder Judy Aagard submitted her resignation at the July 7 county board meeting. The resignation takes effect on August 31. Aagard’s four-year term ends December 31. Commissioners must now appoint someone to serve the last four months of the term.
•The Wadena County Agricultural Society is almost dead, according to Ag Society Board Members Tim Nolte and Mike Burcham who appeared before the county board at its July 6 meeting. Nolte and Burcham said membership is down to six people and that’s just too few to run the organization, put on the county fair, keep up maintenance on the fairgrounds and carry out other duties. They invited the commissioners to come to the fair and see if it’s worth continuing. They believe the Ag Society needs to be reorganized and started over from ground zero. They added there are no funds to fix anything as their money is put into fairgrounds lawn care. They also discussed the many deteriorating structures.