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Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past

25 Years Ago

October 29, 1997

When Clarissa first entertained the grant proposal for the restoration project on several homes in the city, the council probably had no idea the grant would take so long to be approved. The grant was in fact denied three times before being approved. The grant also included water and sewer repairs on Leslie Avenue. The process was long, but finally, in 1996, the grant from the state was approved for 1997. The results have been wonderful, however, currently, three homes have been completed by the project and a total of six have been approved. About $200,000 is in the budget for the repairs on the homes on Leslie Avenue from Frank Street to Bridge Street.


Nearly 300 people came in out of the cold on Friday to share in the Customer Appreciation Dinner provided by the Clarissa Commercial Club. Good food and good company were enjoyed by the crowd who were invited to celebrate the new Main Street in Clarissa. The new street lights were going up on Friday so people could see the continued improvements being made.

50 Years Ago

October 26, 1972

Clarissa people are still on the move this past month, with homes being sold and new homes going up. Seems like the trend is contagious and everyone is beginning to become restless. The community is becoming like a hive of bees...busy, busy, busy, moving.


The Burtrum Boosters 4-H Club was selected as the “Most Active 4-H Club” in Todd County according to an announcement made at the 27th annual 4-H Achievement Program held on Thursday, October 19, at the Long Prairie High School.



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