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Harkening Back

News from Clarissa's Past

25 Years Ago

April 14, 1999

Clarissa Fire Department raffle winners: Butch Booker, Clarissa, $200; Larry Adameitz, Clarissa, $100; Carol Hanson, Clarissa, $50; Ray Ecklund, Clarissa, $25; Laura Kolb, Staples, $25; Dave Lorenz, Clarissa, $25; Dennis Cuchna, Clarissa, $25. The Clarissa Fire Department would like to say thank you for the generous donations and to those attending the firemen’s dance.


The Eagle Valley Elementary students held their annual spring concert on Tuesday, April 6 and on Wednesday, April 7 did a repeat performance for grandparents. Kindergarten students through second graders performed a variety of songs and dances. The third through sixth grade students performed the musical play “E-I-E-I-Oops” about a cow who could not moo. The pigs tried “hamming” it up to make “Madam Cow” moo.

50 Years Ago

April 11, 1974

Jim Axum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Axum, was selected as second alternate to the state speech contest in the serious drama category. Debra Aspengren, Lee Ann Klarich and Darla Peterson advanced in the playoffs also last Saturday at the Region Six speech meet in Fergus Falls. Jim received an A rating.


Gwen Thompson of Clarissa qualified for the latest Dean’s List at Moorhead State College by virtue of her scholastic grades earned during the winter quarter 1973-74, it was announced this week by Dr. Robert Hanson, vice president for academic affairs. Gwen is a 1973 graduate of the Clarissa High School and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson.



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