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Hibbs battles Lymphoma

Seth Hibbs of Long Prairie has been battling Burkitt’s Lymphoma for the past week or so at Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis.

by Karin L. Nauber

Young Seth Hibbs has been battling Burkitt’s Lymphoma within the Mature B-Cell Lymphoma category for a few weeks now.

On May 30 his parents, Nathan and Emili Hibbs, started a Caringbridge site for them to share information about Seth and how things are going while he is being treated at Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis.

“Seth had not been feeling well over the past couple weeks complaining of his stomach hurting at times, having less energy and not eating much as the past week has gone on.

“On Thursday afternoon we took him to the clinic in Long Prairie to have him checked out. We were there for quite a while and they did some blood work and a CT scan. They discovered he had a large mass in his abdomen and a large amount of fluid around his right lung. They contacted Children’s in Minneapolis and sent us there right away by private car,” wrote his parents.

They spent most of that following Friday talking to doctors, having more blood work done and waiting.

They did another CT scan and inserted a tube to drain the fluid from his lung.

“There has been a lot of drainage which has seemed to make him more comfortable and breathe a bit easier,” wrote his parents.

“We are having a hard time wrapping our minds around all of this especially at this point since there are so many unknowns. We trust God and his plan for Seth and for us. He is faithful and is powerful enough to sustain us through this. We cherish everyone’s prayers and support. It is hard to be here without having others close by for support but we can feel the love and support from you all.”

Later on May 30, they told of the fact that while the right lung was doing well with the chest tube, now the left lung has been building up fluid so they were working on a plan to reduce that so he could sleep comfortably.

They also heard the news that all parents dread hearing.

“We also found out today through the fluid testing that he has a type of Lymphoma. They are suspecting it is Burkitt’s Lymphoma but have sent a sample to the U of M for further testing to determine the specific type. They are planning to do a bone marrow biopsy, spinal fluid test, and will insert a central line on Monday. We are praising God that Seth probably won’t have to have a biopsy done on the tumor, which was more risky. . . .



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