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News from Bertha and Hewitt's Past
25 Years Ago
July 5, 1995
Miss Lucille Manus, a retired Bertha-Hewitt elementary school teacher, has received the Distinguished Service Award for her many years of service to the Church of the Nazarene. This award is rarely given and the person who receives it is one who has done a wonderful job of service to the Lord and through their local church. Miss Manus has served the Church of the Nazarene in Hewitt for nearly 50 years as a teacher, treasurer, serving on the church board and as a pianist.
Helen France was fortunate to become one of the chaperones for her grandson’s European Choir Concert Tour. Helen accompanied the St. Francis High School Concert Choir, along with other chaperones to Germany this spring. In Nurnberg, Helen’s relatives, some of whom still live on Bill France’s home farm, came to visit Helen at the Bavarian-American hotel. They were Bill’s two nephews and two nieces. Together they attended the concert held in the large auditorium in the hotel and enjoyed seeing their great-nephew of the U.S.A, Chris Fraune, sing in the choir.
75 Years Ago
July 5, 1945
First Battalion Headquarters of the 6th Armored Infantry Regiment has announced from “somewhere inside Germany” that Pfc. Paul A. Grams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grams, has been awarded the Presidential Citation ribbon for outstanding service in combat against the enemy in Germany.
From the column “Talk of the Town”: we enjoy seeing Fred Leyh, now in his 90th year, hiking down the road with a step as brisk and quick as that of a school boy. Mr. Leyh must have indeed drank at the fountain of youth, for he can still walk the legs off a lot of us in our doddering 20s, 30s and 40s. We understand he still mows his own lawn...the mere thought of which makes this writer awfully tired!