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News from Bertha and Hewitt's Pasts

25 Years Ago

August 30, 1995

Recently, Josef and Maria Alder from Monchengladbach, Germany visited Leo and Bev Heinze, spending two weeks with them in August. The Alders were born in Steindorf, Kreis, Neisse, Silesia, Germany. It is the same village that the Heinze family ancestors originated from before they immigrated to America in 1881. The Alders were teenagers when they and 115 million other Germans were chased out of their homes and off of their land after World War 1.


Mr. Glenn C. Johnson recently traveled to Lake Wilson to visit his son David Johnson and his family. In the evening they took in a baseball game at Sioux Falls.

75 Years Ago

August 30, 1945

The Hewitt Public School will open Tuesday, September 4. The faculty includes: Mrs. Margaret Johnson, grades 1 and 2; Mrs. Irene Burnett, grades 3 and 4; Mrs. Eunice Thormodsgaard, grades 5 and 6; Mrs. Kathryn Haen, grades 7 and 8 and high school math; Mr. Rudolph Bergstrom, science and boys phy. ed.; Mrs. Myra Satterlie, English, library and girls phy. ed.; K.H. Thormodsgaard, superintendent and history. Mrs. Herman Englemann will be the school cook and Mr. Fred Shlits, janitor and bus driver.


Memorial services were held at the Wrightstown United Brethren Church on August 26 for Lt. Stanley B. Aldrich, who was killed in action in France on November 10, 1944. Lt. Aldrich was part of a large attack force when the enemy met his battalion from the side in a counter-attack with Lt. Aldrich losing his life.



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