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News from Bertha's and Hewitt's Pasts

25 Years Ago

October 11, 1995

Retirement means different things to different people. For some, it means a time to sit back and watch the world go by, travel, or do things you have always wanted to do. Cliff Filbert, Hewitt, falls into the latter group and that was to have a farm and raise cattle. His idea of retirement was to purchase a 117-acre farm. Their picturesque farm nestled into the hillside on the north side of 210 and its intersection with Highway 71. He stated he has added Dutch Belted beef cattle, a couple of Angus, a ram, some geese, turkeys, cats, and dogs to his dream farm.


Some discussion took place at the Hewitt City Council meeting on dealing with the city water debt expense and the operations and maintenance which will be coming due. Apparently, the water money was being put into the general account for some period of time. This has since been recouped from the general fund and returned to the water fund, including the 50 cents per household which had previously been believed to have been going into the sewer fund.

75 Years Ago

October 11, 1945

Pfc. Burton Booen, son of Mr. and Mrs. D.E. Booen of Woodside Township, returned home this week from nearly four years of service with the paratroopers in the European theatre of operations. Burton was a member of the first group of thirty paratroopers who landed on the Normandy peninsula, to aid in making preparations for the invasions of Europe.


With the quota for the village of Bertha set at $235 in the current USO War Relief Campaign, R.F. Basset, chairman of the group in charge of solicitation, announced this week that the village of Bertha had subscribed $538 to date, thus putting the drive over the top with 229 percent of its quota.



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