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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

February 5, 1998

Mike Schluender has opened “Chiseled Edge” studio in Browerville. Mike is reproducing fine antique carved pieces in his shop located in the former Land O’ Lakes building.


An alert homeowner from Little Elk Township tipped off law enforcement authorities to suspicious activities that resulted in the arrests of two men from Little Falls. Gilbert Levi Phillips, 27, and William Joseph Schneider, 20, were arrested as soon as they arrived home with some of the loot. The two have been charged in four daytime burglaries that took place in Todd County on Friday, January 23. According to Todd County Sheriff Dave Kircher, the suspects apparently drove around looking for residences with no one home. They would knock on the door and if someone answered they would ask for directions. Lawrence Wenzel of Browerville reported three boxes of “wheat” pennies, foreign coins and loose bills were missing. Thomas Arndt of Bartlett Township was missing items from his home, Michael Wolpert of Aldrich reported missing cash and Herbert Lambert of Bertha was missing containers of change.

75 Years Ago

February 5, 1948

Sergeant Leo W. Hayes, now serving with Company M of the 34th Infantry Regiment, a unit of the 24th Infantry Division, was recently promoted to the rank of Staff-Sergeant. Hayes, who enlisted in the Army in October of 1946, at Fort Snelling, received his stateside basic training at Camp Polk, Louisiana. He arrived in the Japanese Theater of Occupation in January 1947 and joined the 34th Infantry on the Island of Kyushu. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer C. Hayes of Browerville.


Todd County farmers will face even higher costs in 1948 than in 1947, according to R.W. Palmby, county agent. Farm production costs have risen steadily since 1933, and there is no indication that the trend will be reversed this year. Even though costs have been going up, farm production costs for each $100 of gross farm income has fallen. In 1932, $71 of every $100 gross income went to expense; in 1940, $59; and in 1947, $48. This trend is likely to reverse itself soon and expenses will take more of the gross income.



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