News from Eagle Bend's Past
25 Years Ago
September 27, 1995
The 1995 Eagle Valley Homecoming Queen candidates are Christy Hinzmann, Amanda Klimek, Nikki Zeidler, Kelly Greene, and Missy Hayes. King candidates are Jarrod Turner, Cory Berg, Jon Baso, Jason Bain, and Mike Lennes.
On Sunday, September 17, the Immanuel Lutheran Congregation of Eagle Bend honored Ardith Ahrens for her many years of faithful service involving music, ministry, and other church activities. They also acknowledged Henry (Hank) for his special efforts to assist in helping to fulfill this ministry.
50 Years Ago
September 24, 1970
The 1971 model Chevrolets go on display at the local dealer’s showroom, the Engebretson Motor Company, on Tuesday of next week.
The Fred E. Cossentine Unit issues a reminder that its annual drive for gift items or money for the Christmas Gift Shop is now underway. Veterans who are hospitalized during the Christmas holiday may choose Christmas presents to be wrapped and sent to their immediate families. The gifts must be new and valued from $2.50 to $3.50.