Board approves support of a comprehensive re-entry program for people in jail.

Board approves support of a comprehensive re-entry program for people in jail.
Todd County Board of Commissioners: Board approves support of a comprehensive re-entry program for people in jail
by Karin L. Nauber
The board heard an update on the Region V+ Adult Mental Health Initiative which launched a regional comprehensive re-entry program in partnership with other key stakeholders that will safely reduce the number of adults with mental illnesses in jails by connecting them to community-based treatment and services.
Afterwards, the board approved a resolution affirming Todd County’s support of the comprehensive re-entry program.
They hope to be able to hire a full-time social worker for the jail.
Och said that all the Region 5 counties either have already employed a social worker or two for their jails or are in the process of doing so.
They are seeking a grant through the Sourcewell Innovation Funding program which could help pay part of the cost for a social worker.
Och said they are working on ways to remove any cost to the county for this through different sources.
Commissioner Barb Becker asked if there would be enough work to hire a full-time social worker.
“Absolutely,” was Och’s reply.
Part of the hope for hiring a social worker for the jail is to identify people who are suffering from a mental illness and avoiding expenses down the line.
Och said that Crow Wing County has been doing this for about a year now and has seen some progress. . . .