Todd County held their annual Truth In Taxation meeting to explain.

Todd County held their annual Truth In Taxation meeting to explain.
Why did my taxes go up?
by Karin L. Nauber
Why did my taxes go up? What changed? Do I qualify for homestead? How do I apply? What is going on with other properties around the county?
According to Todd County Auditor/Treasurer Denise Gaida, these types of questions account for about 80% of the calls her office receives when the annual Truth In Taxation (TNT) notices are sent out.
The annual county TNT hearing was held on November 28.
Gaida explained that the primary purpose of this meeting was to talk about the county budget. However, because of the frequently asked questions, she had Todd County Assessor Chris Odden answer some of them about why your taxes may have gone up.
Odden said that the property tax values and classifications are done in January.
In September/October, the county board, schools, cities, townships and other taxing authorities determine the monetary needs for their jurisdiction and submit those. At that time, the county auditor/treasurer calculates the tax for each parcel based on the previous two steps.
Odden said the most common question he gets is, “Why did my taxes increase?”...