Trails4Transplants riders came through Clarissa this past May. The 15 riders were heading toward their destination of the day in Long Prairie. The ride ended in Rochester on June 2.

Trails4Transplants stopped at the Central Todd County Care Center and sang to the residents You Are My Sunshine and Home on the Range before continuing their journey to Long Prairie.

Trails4Transplants riders came through Clarissa this past May. The 15 riders were heading toward their destination of the day in Long Prairie. The ride ended in Rochester on June 2.
Trails4Transplants stops in Clarissa
Trails4Transplants (T4T) is a group that takes long-distance trail rides to raise awareness about organ, eye and tissue donation. They kicked off their 2018 ride, titled 10,000 Reasons to Donate, at Tri-County Health Care’s Garden of Hope in Wadena on May 21.
The group arrived at the Wadena County Fairgrounds on Saturday, May 19, before being treated to a special dinner by Tri-County Health Care. The evening provided an opportunity for those touched by organ donation to share their stories. T4T member Sally Jacobson shared her story of receiving a liver. Bill Barbknecht talked about donating a kidney to his wife, Carol, in 2013. Jennifer Lamblez with Lions Gift of Sight shared stories of eye donation. Lois Miller, Tri-County Health Care organ donation project lead, shared the story of Stephanie Larson, who received a heart donation. . . .