Brooklynne Thorson is recovering after having a baseball sized tumor removed from her brain.

Thirty staples seal the incision where the tumor was removed.

Former Eagle Bend natives Rich and Holly Thorson and their two daughters, Brooklynne and Harper, reside in Savage.

Brooklynne Thorson is recovering after having a baseball sized tumor removed from her brain.
Brooklynne was vaulting partially blind: Baseball sized tumor removed from 12-year-old's brain
by Trinity Gruenberg
Forty-seven hours after having a baseball sized tumor removed from the left side of her brain, 12-year-old Brooklynne Thorson has returned to her home and is on the mend.
“She has blown everyone away with her strength,” said mother Holly Thorson.
Holly (daughter of Duane and Roberta Grewe) and Rich Thorson (son of Jan and Jerry Thorson) are Eagle Bend natives and Eagle Valley graduates, raising their daughters, Brooklynne and Harper, 5, in Savage.
“It’s been a roller coaster. We went to the hospital for one thing and everything was flipped upside down,” said Holly. “I’m still processing it.”
Brooklynne began middle school this year and is a competitive gymnast with practice four days a week.
This gymnast has olympic aspirations.
“Two thousand twenty-four she tells us,” smiled her mom.
She was experiencing headaches three out of five days a week at school. She had a history of migraines and rated the pain at a four out of 10.
“It never happened on weekends and always occurred at school,” said Holly.
The headaches were happening like clockwork and little things started to add up.
“She’s such a laid back kid and always makes jokes out of things. She is hard to read and you can never get a straight answer out of her,” she said.
After gymnastics practice one day, Brooklynne shared with her mom that she asked a friend if her eyes were open. They were open. Brooklynne just couldn’t see.
She explained to her mom she could “only see colors.” Holly, who is a nurse, interrogated her daughter trying to figure out what she meant. . . .