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Students begin ALICE training to defend against school shooters


by Trinity Gruenberg

    School shootings are becoming more prevalent in today’s society. The students at the Verndale School had their first look at ALICE training to learn how to defend themselves from a school shooter.

    Superintendent Paul Brownlow, Principal Arick Follingstad, Fire Chief Mike Madsen, Buildings and Grounds Supervisor Wade Kern and two Wadena County Sheriff’s Deputies Tim Stroeing and Angel Wolf discussed with 7-12 grades how they would defend themselves from a school shooter and how emergency services will respond to the situation.

    The Verndale School has been conducting ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) active shooter response training since August. On Tuesday, February 20, the students had their first taste of the training. 

    This was planned prior to the tragic events in Parkland, Florida where a student entered the school and killed 17 people. 

    The school held ALICE training sessions during the parent teacher conference in November. About 20 people attended.

    “I strongly encouraged parents to come to this parent teacher conference: one­—to see how you're doing in school, and two—to see how we are going to respond to an event like this in our school,” said Brownlow. . .

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