Improvements to be made for ADA compliancy at municipal liquor store.

Improvements to be made for ADA compliancy at municipal liquor store.
Verndale City News July 2018
by Marlo Benning
At the July 9 meeting, Public Works Manager Matt Uselman shared a quote for a new ramp, railing, back door and window at the bar for $3436.
The back door would be moved further under the roof to make it American Disabilities Act compliant. He would also like to get a quote for a new air conditioning unit if it is decided to replace the window.
These improvements, besides the air conditioner, would make the store ADA compliant with the exception of the bathrooms.
In regards to the bathrooms, Clerk Barbara Holmes said because they are a municipal you can’t be “grandfathered in”.
Member Jim Ackerson questioned that if they are going to do this, why not do the bathrooms at the same time.
Holmes said they do have a liquor store CD in the amount of $19,913 that could be utilized for these improvements. Mayor Raye Ludovissie suggested using this money to take care of all of these items to make the store completely compliant and put the remainder back in a CD. Holmes suggested to wait and see how the liquor store does this year financially first. Ludovissie felt that no matter what, these would be improvements to the store.
The council instructed Uselman to go ahead with the updates. He will be getting an estimate for the next meeting for the bathrooms. It was noted that there would be one bathroom for both men and women because they were limited on space.
Approved the purchase of six new picnic tables for the park, two of which would be ADA compliant at a cost of $3960.
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