The audit report was reviewed at the regular January meeting of the Verndale School Board.

The audit report was reviewed at the regular January meeting of the Verndale School Board.
Verndale School Board: Building projects in the works, Spanish trip a go, audit report
by Trinity Gruenberg
The Verndale School Board held their regular meeting on January 7. They began by swearing in the re-elected school board members and holding their organizational meeting.
Marcus Edin is board chair, Vice Chair Bill Blaha, Clerk Tony Stanley, Treasurer Scott Veronen.
Buildings and Grounds
Committee Meeting
The Buildings and Grounds Committee held a meeting on December 26.
Member Chris Youngbauger shared Buildings and Grounds Supervisor Wade Kern’s concerns about the hot water. The current water heater was installed in 1994 and Kern is concerned how much longer it could last, fearing if it goes out they can’t have school. A new one would cost around $9500 without installation.
“Wade would like to look at replacing it in the near future as a preventative measure,” said Youngbauger.
Member Bill Blaha wished to have the current condition of it assessed to see if any parts could fail.
They also discussed getting a direct drive heat pump for the old gym that would cost about $3000 and roof repairs over the special education section, which have been budgeted in for long term facilities.
They would like to get 40 new lockers due to the increased enrollment for $6400. They also discussed painting the old gym and removing old banners, replacing auditorium seating, electrical upgrades and cleaning the stage curtains.
“Do we have a spitball number on that? It sounds like a pretty big project,” said Member Bill Blaha.
“I think that would be a significant project. The seating alone could be $75,000, I’m thinking it could be over $100,000 to update that,” said Superintendent Paul Brownlow.
They are looking to update laminate cupboards and counter tops in the elementary as well as window tinting in the office area for security reasons.
Brownlow will have Kern get numbers and will figure out the budget from there. . . .