Verndale School News June 2018: More students prompt transportation/capacity discussions
by Marlo Benning
At the board’s June meeting, Building/Grounds/Transportation Supervisor Wade Kern reported that they are getting some new students from the east and that he’s been asked about transportation options.
He said he has offered a pick up spot for some families and that there are already two central pick up locations in Staples.
He said that if or when it comes time to add another route, he thought they could do it without purchasing an additional bus. However, he noted, when the next bus purchase cycle came up, they wouldn’t trade a bus in, they would keep it.
He asked if the finance committee could look at the purchase schedule and suggested some changes that could be made to it.
On the same note of newly enrolled students, Superintendent Paul Brownlow said that they may be looking to add a third section of sixth grade due to an influx in this grade. He questioned if they need to look at capping open enrollment, but he thought they probably wouldn’t at this point. “There is going to be a capacity level where we can best serve kids,” he said.
Currently they are at 60 students in sixth grade. He said they need to be prepared with various options if this continues to grow. They talked about what is ideal for class size and Member Bill Blaha questioned what the cap would be.
“When is the action point is the real question,” said Member Tony Stanley.
“There is a cap element to this because it becomes a space issue,” said Blaha. . .