Verndale seniors plan to establish senior center
The Verndale Senior Center closed in the fall of 2013 after meals were no longer served there.
On November 20, an exploratory meeting was held at the Verndale Lions Center to discuss the possibility of re-establishing a senior citizens center in the area.
Among those attending were Nolan and Ellen Bacon who wintered in Arkansas for many years and were active in senior citizen’s centers in that area. They recognized the many benefits of socialization, exercise, and nutrition enjoyed there, envisioning these same benefits for the Verndale area. There will be a need for a broader area, enlisting the help of all interested people to spread the word.
National Council on Aging facts about senior centers
Senior centers have become one of the most widely used services among America’s older adults. Today, almost 10,000 senior centers serve more than one million older adults every day. . . .