Jails and mental health were discussed at the most recent Wadena County Commissioners meeting.

Jails and mental health were discussed at the most recent Wadena County Commissioners meeting.
Wadena County Commissioners discuss mental health issues
by Trinity Gruenberg
The Wadena County Commissioners held their regular meeting on April 23.
Commissioner Sheldon Monson shared that he and Ryan Odden met with the state building inspector. They were advised to get a professional design due to changing the walls and exits of the lower level. Approved up to $1000.
Commissioner Bill Stearns discussed furniture options for the long narrow conference rooms and what would work best in the space. Diagrams were handed out with a rough idea of small tables, couches or chairs to best fit the two nearly identical rooms.
“Another thing that was contemplated is that these rooms would also work as a smaller meeting room as an option, also as a room to do depositions,” shared County Attorney Kyra Ladd.
They discussed calendar schedules for the rooms. Commissioner Jim Hofer and Dave Hotchkiss of the IT Department discussed a room scheduling board that could be implemented in their email system that would not allow someone to book a time already booked or to over-book the rooms.
Human Services reports
Amy Gendron with human services shard their statistics report for March.
Financial statistics for MAXIS and MnSure cases was $2738, down from last year; the emergency assistance budget year to date spending was $874. Their remaining fund balance is just over $1.8 million.
“Last month we talked about the cases going down, and that’s a good thing. Less people need help and assistance,” said Gendron
Mike Willie with human services discussed the Region V+ (Cass, Crow Wing, Morrison, Aitkin, Todd and Wadena counties) Adult Mental Health Initiatives and continuing to pilot the comprehensive re-entry project.
Willie explained they would like to continue to seek grant opportunities for the project, and they would have a stronger chance if they have a resolution of support from the county. This would also place a social worker at the jail. . . .