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Wadena County Commissioners


by Trinity Gruenberg

The Wadena County Commissioners held their regular meeting on Tuesday, May 7.

Tax Forfeiture Land Sale

Auditor/Treasurer Heather Olson said they sold 38 lots for $36,900. The city of Staples bought 14 of those lots prior to the sale. There are 28 lots still available for sale and can be purchased at the treasurer’s office. The remaining lots are marked with a laminated sign stating they are for sale and the identification number.

There are some lots that have houses on them. There was interest over the winter, but since the snow has melted there has been little interest. Olson said her employees and the commissioners are ineligible to purchase tax forfeited land.

The city administrator is working with developers for the purchased lots in Staples for twin houses and duplexes.

“I would like to do these every fall,” said Olson.

She would like to start them in August when properties are moving. Olson mentioned that the last tax forfeited sale was two or three years ago.

“That’s probably too long, especially with the cost it took us to do this and the time,” explained Olson.

She added that Missy Lund did most of the work to make this possible. Olson explained they would have a rural sale this fall since city lots are available over the counter.

Commissioner Bill Stearns added he would like to see the sale every other year on non-election years. Olson was in agreement. . . .

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