Wadena County Commissioners: Case against the county is dismissed
by Trinity Gruenberg
The Wadena County Commissioners held their regular meeting on June 17. Commissioner Bill Stearns was absent.
Wentholdt vs. Wadena County
Deana Malone reviewed the case from Tami and Randy Wentholdt and Went North, LLC against the county and Park Rapids Clay Dusters, Inc. with the commissioners.
The suit was filed in April and was dismissed with prejudice. The Wentholdt claim was against the county and the Park Rapids Clay Dusters as they believed the zoning ordinance as it pertained to the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) given to the Clay Dusters was arbitrary and capricious.
“We were able to convince them otherwise and the case was dismissed with prejudice,” said Malone.
The matter was closed completely and the attorney representing the county, Scott Anderson, made the convincing argument for the county using historical data. The Wentholdts agreed the case should be dismissed.
Parks and Building Position Change
Malone explained they were looking to take their parks operator and move the employee into a full-time position. Building Maintenance Supervisor Shaun Uselman was in agreement. The employee would be 58 percent with the parks department and 42 percent with building maintenance. . . .