An artist’s rendering of what the new Regional Community Well-Being Center will look like.

The new center will include a fitness studio, accessible lock and shower rooms, a 30’x20’ community and outpatient physical therapy pool, a conference/multi-purpose room, a community living room, a rehabilitation department and a community and outpatient physical therapy gym.

CentraCare Health – Long Prairie’s Doctor of Physical Therapist (DPT), Lisa Lahr, attained her aquatic certification recently.

An artist’s rendering of what the new Regional Community Well-Being Center will look like.
Wellness Wins in Todd County: CentraCare Health expands for a better community
by Karin L. Nauber
Things are changing again at CentraCare Health’s—Long Prairie Medical Campus. If you have been to the new facility, you will have noticed the construction work going on to the right of the facility.
When finished, the site will be the home of the Regional Community Well-Being Center.
The project is part of CentraCare Health—Long Prairie’s Wellness Wins Building a Healthy Community campaign which began with the new medical campus and is continuing with this project along with many other services to improve the life of people in the area.
Some of those other policy, system and environment strategies include initiatives like:
• Safe Routes to School
• Universal Breakfast
• Farmers Market programming
• Prescription food shares.
CCH—LP is dedicated to encompassing the Six Dimensions Wellness:
• Occupational
• Physical
• Social
• Intellectual
• Spiritual
• Emotional
“The ideal is that this facility will help address disparities and to offer more preventive services and holistic wellness opportunities for the region,” said CCH—LP Administrator Dan Swenson. . . .