Burt Lorentz of Eagle Bend snapped a photo of the wolf that had leapt out in front of his vehicle and was struck and killed.

Burt Lorentz of Eagle Bend snapped a photo of the wolf that had leapt out in front of his vehicle and was struck and killed.
Wolf hit by vehicle near Rose City
by Trinity Gruenberg
Hitting a deer on the road may not be uncommon, but hitting a wolf is definitely not a common occurance.
Burt Lorentz of Eagle Bend was driving near Rose City on County Road 14 around 7:15 a.m., on Tuesday, January 9 when an animal popped out of the ditch in front of him.
“I thought it was a coyote or something at first. It was dark. I turned around and came back, then I knew,” said Lorentz. “It was crazy.”
Lorentz had swerved to miss the animal, but hit it with his tire. When he got a closer look at what he hit, he realized it was a wolf. It did some minor damage to the running board on his vehicle.
Lorentz called the authorities and waited until the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department and DNR arrived at the scene.
“Douglas County had never seen anything like it,” said Lorentz.
He sent a photo to local Police Officer Bobby Berndt.
“Never in 13 years have I even heard of this,” said Berndt...