4 days ago2 minA Matter of PerspectiveI have been writing—a lot! I currently have seven episodic stories on Kindle Vella with more on the way. I am loving the freedom of...
4 days ago2 minIn FocusI’d say it got a little windy on Saturday. I was lying in bed watching TV when I heard a series of crashes and bangs. I instantly...
Oct 21 minA Matter of PerspectiveAre you as tired of political inundation as I am? You can’t move these days without bumping into something about politics. One of my...
Oct 22 minIn FocusIt’s done, finally done, just in time... I have spent every spare second the past week and weekend setting up the Halloween Light Show!...
Oct 21 minLetter to the EditorTo the Editor: Wooden Nickel I am sure glad America got the chance to see the so-called “debate” between Harris and Trump. The media...
Oct 21 minLetter to the EditorTo the Editor: Domestic Violence Awareness Month, held annually in October, allows communities nationwide to join forces to raise...
Oct 22 minLetter to the EditorTo the Editor: On August 8, I posted on my Facebook page that the Browerville Area Food Shelf was in dire need of funds to continue...
Sep 252 minA Matter of PerspectiveDon’t tell me that house flies don’t understand us when we threaten them. You won’t be able to convince me otherwise. My dislike of...
Sep 252 minIn FocusIt’s officially fall! It may be my favorite time of the year, but I’m not ready for cooler weather yet. I have watermelons, cantaloupe,...
Sep 251 minLetter to the EditorTo the Editor: Someone Come Forward Which slogan do you like best? . . . Defending Democracy or Make America Great Again? Whichever one...