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Memories Gone By

News from Browerville's Past

25 Years Ago

August 8, 1996

Judy Jenkins was the first to ace at the new Terrace course. When she stepped up to the No. 2 tee box on July 8, she never dreamed she’d be the first golfer to post a hole-in-one on the new 18 Terrace National Golf Course.


Browerville Public School Elementary teachers are anxiously getting ready for the 1996-97 school year. Following is a list of teachers and the grades they will teach: Kindergarten, Mrs. Paula Oven; First Grade, Mrs. Wendi Emery; Second Grade, Mrs. Karen Peterson and Mrs. Mary Irsfeld; Third Grade, Mrs. Sue Michael and Mr. Wayne Petermeier; Fourth Grade, Mrs. Barb Spychalla; Fifth Grade, Mrs. Craig Johnson; Sixth Grade, Mrs. Kristie Johnson and Mr. Tom Oven; Lead Title 1, Mr. Joe Brisson; Physical Education, Miss Donna Steffl; Music, Mrs. Kris Petermeier; and Art, Mrs. Jody Hagenson.

75 Years Ago

August 10, 1946

Joseph Kiselewski of New York, a nationally recognized sculpture, and his wife arrived in Browerville to visit. During their first visit to the old hometown since 1941, they are staying at the farm home of his brother.


Frank Eldred, manager of the Browerville Farmer’s Cooperative Creamery, placed second at the Todd County Fair with his prize butter. At the Stearns County Fair, Mr. Eldred placed fourth.


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