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A Matter of Perspective

For the past month or so, I haven’t written anything about my opinion about things. It isn’t that I haven’t had an opinion. It is more that I have been so busy, I haven’t had time to think about what I think.

I would hate to say I am overwhelmed but I might be.

It isn’t for reasons that most people would assume though.

I am overwhelmed because I spend so much time playing video games.

I know. What is a 57-year-old woman wasting time playing video games? Well, my obsession with video games began when I was about 13 or so. That’s when we got our first video gaming system. An Atari. I loved Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man. I would spend hours after school playing—learning patterns and figuring out the best way to beat the ghosts.

Later, I got handheld games. That was probably worse! Then I could take them with me wherever I went.

Over the years, I have had many gaming systems. But the real downfall came when I got a smartphone.

There are hundreds of games that are available to play.

I call it “play” but it is really time-wasting.

Just like everyone else, I get 24 hours in a day but I probably waste six of them with video games. Maybe more if I really think about it.

It’s scary when I think about the countless hours that I have wasted.

The great thing about a new day is that we can start over. I don’t have to beat myself up about the time I wasted. I know I did and the time is already gone, but that doesn’t mean I have to keep wasting time.

I can start investing my time instead of spending it. I can start today. I have to do it slowly, though. I found out that trying to stop playing games cold turkey just makes me think about them all the more.

I have four games that I play currently. I will reduce that to two and then to one.

I may have to keep one but limit the time I spend on it.

I am feeling a little anxious about it. I guess this is similar to what people go through with any addiction. I know I did when I quit smoking.

Now I have been smoke-free for over 15 years. If I can quit that nasty habit, I should be able to quit this game-playing habit.

No excuses...


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