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Dusting Off the Archives

News from Verndale's Past

75 Years Ago, October 4, 1945

•Richard Doyle, machinist mate second class, became a member of the Ship’s Company of the U.S.S. Petrof Bay in March 1944 just prior to its shakedown cruise. The Petrof Bay is one of the Navy’s well known Escort Carriers, having taken part in many of the famous actions in the Pacific. She was commissioned in February of 1944 and as a shakedown cruise, delivered plans to units in the forward area. By September of 1944 she was ready for action and in quick succession took part in the landing at Palau and Leyte, the Second Battle of the Philippine Sea, the landing at Lingayen Gulf, San Narciso, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. Doyle is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Doyle of Verndale.

•Mr. and Mrs. Gustav Tresemer have sold their farm two miles north of Verndale to Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Kellum of California who have two children, a daughter attending Verndale High School and a son, Vernon, a pupil at District 8. Mr. and Mrs. Tresemer will continue making their home with the Wm. Tresemers.

•Charles Anderson, well known and respected farmer of Newton Township, who disappeared suddenly from his room at the Wesley Hospital in Wadena on Thursday night was found Friday morning on the Peckel farm northwest of Wadena. Mr. Anderson, 50, had been receiving treatment at the hospital for his diabetes. Sometime during the night, either in his sleep or while in a daze due to his illness, Mr. Anderson arose from his bed and left the hospital through the window of his room, clad only in his hospital night clothes and he was barefoot. The distance from the window to the ground is 12-16 feet and he was uninjured in the jump.

40 Years Ago, October 2, 1980

•Construction of the Wadena County 4-H Activity-Exhibit Building at the fairgrounds began last week. Paulette Rowan, 4-H member, and Wadena County 4-H Leader’s Council officer, as well as Norman Thomson, adult leader and member of the building committee, viewed the construction which had begun. The 60’x150’ building will provide a facility for a 4-H dining hall during the County Fair and also a large exhibit area.

•The winning float in the contest between grades for Homecoming was the tenth-grade entry depicting members of the New York Mills Eagles in a sesame seed bun. Eleventh graders vowed to bury the buzzards and depicted that slogan on their float which won them second place. Placing third was the seventh graders shown boiling an Eagle in a huge pot.

•The F.F.A. Star Greenhand Award, given to the most outstanding freshman in the chapter, along with a plaque and pin in recognition of the honor, was presented recently to Harlan Schmidt.

15 Years Ago, October 6, 2005

•Homecoming Queen Stacy Schoon and King Nick Price were crowned and will reign over the festivities.

• Verndale hosted the Underwood Rockets for Homecoming and the final score was 6-33. Underwood dominated the first three-quarters of the game with an opening play of an 82-yard pass from Mike Hamann to Brandon Lee. Verndale scored in the fourth quarter with a five-yard pass from John Kempe to Sam Moenkedick with the pass failing.

• Trent Carr finished his 18 months of active duty on September 18 with a welcome home and an awards ceremony held in Hastings. He arrived in Ft. McCoy, Wisconsin on September 14 after spending 11 1/2 months in Iraq.



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